Jumat, 15 November 2013

Stop Smoking For Babies Smart

Stop Smoking For Babies Smart

Your cigarette or a pair continues ' burn ' while pregnant ? Development of neural networks and intellectual maturation could be disrupted .

Research conducted by Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Asssessment Scal , the U.S. proved that if the mother smoked cigarettes during pregnancy , will affect medium and long term for the child's future . Children with smoking mothers , showed a different behavior when the researchers evaluated by the agency . Infants less responsive when stimulated by sound .

Further research states that match. Children aged around seven and eleven years of smoking mothers tend to experience slower growth . Intellectual development also looks sluggish when asked to read and learn math .

It is not easy to quit smoking for pregnant women in particular addicts . For those who are lucky , will stop completely when he began to conceive . For them , the reason babies morbidity due to tobacco is more frightening than the scourge of cancer , heart attack or lung problems for themselves .

If maternal smokers kick the habit , the study called it encouraging . Within 48 hours after quitting smoking , the blood carries 8 percent more oxygen to the fetus .

After giving birth , if the habit of smoking relapse , the nicotine in cigarettes will reduce the level of milk production . While , if not an addict but as passive smokers because smokers husband , metabolism of nicotine content in the baby's blood will be high . How , still stubborn smoke ?

Kamis, 14 November 2013

Fetus Can Feel Love

Fetus Can Feel Love 

Carista Luminare - Rosen , PhD , reveals a study that proves the baby in the womb already got emotional skills and intuition to feel the love of both parents. " The fetus is able to see , hear , feel , remember and think before he was born , " he wrote in the book " Parenting Begins Before Conception : A Guide to Preparing Body , Mind , and Spirit for You and Your Future Child" .

How the fetus can feel emotion mom ? Is it emotion penetrate into the placenta ? Love the fetus felt by the hormones released by your body . Mothers who are stressed will form many stress hormones called catecholamines that also felt the fetus . It is important for mothers to stop worrying about a variety of things : fear condition of the fetus , childbirth preparation or thinking about how to educate children . Just enjoy your pregnancy so that you can form a bond with the fetus . Trying to relax and rational that babies feel wanted and loved . Is not he the fruit of love with your partner ? Do activities that can send messages to the mother's love :     
Chat . Since the age of 16 weeks the fetus begins to hear the sound of your heart rate up to the sound of your stomach growling . At the age of 25 weeks the fetus begins to hear sounds from outside the womb . He could distinguish his voice from the other man's voice when his father talking with some people . This is the right time for you to frequently talk to the fetus . Say that you love her , especially in times alone with the fetus , such as bathing , relaxing alone in a room or before going to bed . Make this chat show as part of your routine . The candidate 's father did not have to feel weird talking in front of her swollen belly .     

Touching . Although covered with amniotic fluid baby , does not mean you can not touch it . Try pressing your abdomen gently , she would push back your tummy ! Just like sound , the fetus can distinguish the touch of his parents with a touch of another person . Caress your belly protruding part , your baby will feel it . Play can be more fun with a touch of oil aroma message using lavender or rose are safe to make a circle massaging . Continue by pressing the abdomen draw a straight line from top to bottom while talking to the fetus about what you are doing .    

Sing . Pralingustik music as a language , is the baby's basic language skills . Fetal liked the strong and regular rhythm , then hum the songs for her expression of love . Do not ever worry you that the sound quality is far from melodious . If necessary , set to music and participate humming . Select a song or music as rhythmic heartbeat . Avoid music that is too loud or pounding as increase the volume of amniotic fluid is heard fetus . Want to know the reaction of the fetus ? Feel the movement ! When he was born , the song that you used to play or sing , and he's like, can help calm the child .

Rabu, 13 November 2013

10 Easy Ways to Take Care of Baby

10 Easy Ways to Take Care of Baby

Caring for a tiny baby to be fun if you know the trick practical . We have a handy trick to take care of your baby .

1 . There is a white liquid in which the umbilical cord was still wet . 

Do not require special handling , just be sure the cord does not smell . Method : After the baby is washed , wrap the cord with gauze soaked in 70 % alcohol . Do not sprinkle any kind , either antibiotics or powder . Doctor if : skin around the cord becomes red , swollen or bloody look .

2 . Sticky eyes . 

How to: wash eyes with cotton soaked in boiled water from the nose to the ear . Use a cotton swab to completely purge . Doctor if : there is liquid looks yellow and very sticky .

3 . Less pleasant smelling mouth . 

It could be because he started to drool often due to growing teeth . In order for healthy teeth and mouth awake , every time after eating or drinking milk , wipe his mouth with a special brush . Or with wet gauze pads dipped in lukewarm water and then wrapped around a finger and rub it into the teeth .

4 . Teething . 

Babies become lazy eating , more fussy at night because of sore gums and spend a lot of saliva . • If fever , give febrifuge . • Give toys to chew . • Perform touch ( light message ) in the jaws mouth so the baby more comfortable .

5 . There the former ' red - red ' around the mouth and cheeks . 

Kemungkinana because the former milk droplets . Soon after feeding , wipe the baby 's cheek and around the mouth of the milk with traces of water in order to clean and wipe dry . Do not sprinkle powder on the skin redness , because it makes the skin dry , and even can cause the skin so itchy .

6 . Nasal congestion . 

Use cream special warmers for baby chest rub into baby's sensitive skin , but when , dab it on the outside of the shirt so it does not directly onto the skin .

7 . Colds . 

In order not to experience dehydration or lack of fluids , provide adequate drinking . If you are still drinking milk , breastfed frequently . Drying the baby in the morning , because this activity will help remove mucus in the nose . Do: clean the mucus with a soft cloth handkerchief and absorb water or with a super soft tissue .

8 . The heat did not go down until more than 2 days .

Immediately taken to the doctor with a fever that does not go down from two days may be a sign of a secondary infection , which is an infection caused by the disease earlier . Do not give fever-reducing medications without consulting with your pediatrician .

9 . Constipation . 

Gently massage the baby's stomach from the lower right abdomen baby , form the "heart " with a clockwise motion . This massage helps the digestive organs and prevent constipation .    If the baby is exclusively breastfed , try to consume plenty of fiber ( both of vegetables and fruits ) and drink plenty of water .     When the baby is eating complementary feeding , give fluids, including fruit juice or vegetable and fruit juices .

10 . Infant diarrhea due to cow's milk allergy .     

When he was still exclusively breastfed , keep your food by avoiding foods that contain milk , such as cheese or ice cream .     When he had received complementary feeding , give food containing soy milk .     Check the label to be given solid food for babies . Many baby biscuit containing cow's milk , so it triggers the allergy .     To the doctor if an allergic reaction persists even though has given foods containing soy milk .